Three Months of Empowering Minds and Expanding Horizons

Overview of the most significant updates since we launched three months ago: adding female mentors, a mobile interface, voice journaling, AI-generated prompts, and an AI coach. Revealing the upcoming release of thought analysis to enhance critical thinking.

It’s been three months since we launched Mindsera on the 16th of March. 🎉

Here’s a quick overview of the most significant updates since launch and what’s coming next:

1. Female Mentors

We now have three female mentors on the platform.

  • Eleanor Roosevelt to mentor on leadership, social justice, and civil rights.
  • Anaïs Nin to mentor on writing, self-expression, and personal growth.
  • Virginia Woolf to mentor on creative writing, feminism, and mental health.

Ps! If you have missed it, we gave our mentors and coaches some coffee, and now their response time is 10x faster.

2. Voice Journaling + Mobile Interface

Capture your thoughts effortlessly by ​speaking​, and get them automatically transcribed into text. This makes journaling a lot easier on mobile.

With Safari’s ‘​Add to Home Screen​’ on iOS, you can get a native-like experience. The iOS app is coming!

3. Infinite Prompts (also on the free plan)

You start writing your journal entry, and AI generates relevant prompts to help you think deeper.

4. AI Coach

Instead of writing templates, you can chat with a chatbot trained to coach you based on a specific framework. You get the power of a personal coach without paying $250-$650 per hour.

Also, we fixed some bugs:

  • Increased the context window for coaches so they don’t forget so easily
  • Fixed the repeated messages issue
  • Improved the speed of replies

*Smaller Improvements

  • Knowledge base with a lot of additional information
  • Updated dashboard with quick links and featured frameworks
  • Sign in with Google
  • Export to markdown
  • Improved AI outputs for summaries and suggestions
  • Short-term memory for mentors (long-term memory coming)
  • Easily add frameworks questions to the editor

✨ Coming next: Thought Analysis

Next week we will launch a new AI feature that helps to identify cognitive biases, challenge irrational beliefs, see things from alternative perspectives, and much more! This marks the next step in our journey of building an AI tool to enhance the human mind, not replace it.

Update: The feature is now live. Gain insights on how to use it here and witness an illustrative example of shifting from a negative mindset to a positive one.

This is just the beginning of building a tool for thought that helps us navigate and thrive in an increasingly uncertain world. So much more to come!

Follow us on ​Twitter​ to keep yourself up to date.

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